# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
:mod:`wte.helpers.frontend` -- Helpers for the frontend display
The :mod:`~wte.helpers.frontend` module provides helper functionality used to
render the frontend page displays.
.. moduleauthor:: Mark Hall <mark.hall@work.room3b.eu>
import inflect
import json
import math
from pywebtools.pyramid.util import (get_config_setting, MenuBuilder)
inflector = inflect.engine()
[docs]def lt(a, b):
"""Helper function that checks if ``a`` is less than ``b``.
return a < b
[docs]def html_id(text):
"""Turns a given text into a valid HTML id attribute value. Removes
spaces and full-stops.
:param text: The text to convert
:type text: `unicode`
:return: The corresponding HTML id
:rtype: :func:`unicode`
return text.replace(' ', '_').replace('.', '_')
CODEMIRROR_MODES = {'text/html': ['javascript',
('../addon/fold/', 'xml-fold'),
('../addon/edit', 'matchtags')],
'text/css': ['css',
('../addon/edit', 'matchbrackets'),
('../addon/lint', 'lint'),
('../addon/lint', 'csslint'),
('../addon/lint', 'css-lint')],
'text/javascript': ['javascript',
('../addon/edit', 'matchbrackets'),
('../addon/lint', 'lint'),
('../addon/lint', 'jshint'),
('../addon/lint', 'javascript-lint')],
'application/javascript': ['javascript',
('../addon/edit', 'matchbrackets'),
('../addon/lint', 'lint'),
('../addon/lint', 'jshint'),
('../addon/lint', 'javascript-lint')],
'text/x-rst': ['python',
('../addon/mode', 'overlay'),
[docs]def codemirror_scripts(request, mimetypes):
"""Generates the ``<script>`` tags necessary to load the CodeMirror mode
JS files for the given list of ``mimetypes``.
:param request: The request to use for generating URLs
:type request: `~pyramid.request.Request`
:param mimetypes: The mimetypes to load the CodeMirror modes for
:type mimetypes: `list` of `unicode`
:return: The necessary ``<script>`` tags
modes = []
for mimetype in mimetypes:
if mimetype in CODEMIRROR_MODES:
for mode in CODEMIRROR_MODES[mimetype]:
if isinstance(mode, tuple):
modes.append((mode, mode))
scripts = [request.static_url('wte:static/js/codemirror/codemirror.js')]
for mode in modes:
script = request.static_url('wte:static/js/codemirror/mode/%s/%s.js' % mode)
if script not in scripts:
return scripts
CODEMIRROR_OPTIONS = {'text/html': {'matchTags': True},
'text/css': {'gutters': ['CodeMirror-lint-markers'],
'matchBrackets': True,
'lint': True},
'text/javascript': {'lint': True,
'gutters': ['CodeMirror-lint-markers'],
'matchBrackets': True},
'application/javascript': {'gutters': ['CodeMirror-lint-markers'],
'matchBrackets': True,
'lint': True}}
[docs]def codemirror_options(request, mimetype, include_mode=False):
"""Generates a JSON representation of CodeMirror options that are valid
for the given ``mimetype``.
:param request: The current request
:type request: :class:`~pyramid.request.Request`
:param mimetype: The mimetype to generate CodeMirror options for
:type mimetype: `unicode`
:param include_mode: Whether to include the ``mode`` setting in the options
:type include_mode: `bool`
:return: The JSON representation of options
options = {'theme': get_config_setting(request, 'codemirror.theme', default='default')}
if include_mode:
options['mode'] = mimetype
if mimetype in CODEMIRROR_OPTIONS:
return json.dumps(options)
[docs]def confirm_action(title, message, cancel, ok):
"""Generates a confirmation JSON object for use with the jQuery.postLink() plugin.
:param title: The title of the confirmation dialog box
:type title: ``unicode``
:param message: The main message to show
:type message: ``unicode``
:param cancel: The cancel button's settings
:type cancel: ``dict`` or ``unicode``
:param ok: The ok button's settings
:type ok: ``dict`` or ``unicode``
:return: JSON object
:rtype: :func:`unicode`
return json.dumps({'title': title,
'msg': message,
'cancel': cancel if isinstance(cancel, dict) else {'label': cancel},
'ok': ok if isinstance(ok, dict) else {'label': ok}})
[docs]def confirm_delete(obj_type, title, has_parts=False):
"""Generates the confirmation JSON object for use with the jQuery.postLink() plugin.
:param obj_type: The type of object that is being deleted
:type obj_type: ``unicode``
:param title: The title of the object that is being delete
:type title: ``unicode``
:param has_parts: Whether to add the suffix " and all its parts"
:type has_parts: ``bool``
:return: JSON object
:rtype: :func:`unicode`
msg = 'Please confirm that you wish to delete the %s "%s"' % (obj_type, title)
if has_parts:
msg = '%s and all its parts.' % (msg)
msg = '%s.' % (msg)
return confirm_action('Delete this %s' % (obj_type),
"Don't delete",
{'label': 'Delete',
'class_': 'alert'})
[docs]def time_string(days, hours, minutes, seconds):
"""Converts the ``days``, ``hours``, ``minutes``, and ``seconds`` into
a human-readable format.
:param days: The number of days to the timestamp
:type days: :func:`int`
:param hours: The number of hours to the timestamp
:type hours: :func:`int`
:param minutes: The number of minutes to the timestamp
:type minutes: :func:`int`
:param seconds: The number of seconds to the timestamp
:type seconds: :func:`int`
:return: The human-readable representation
:rtype: :func:`unicode`
def number_unit(number, unit, fraction=None):
"""Formats a string "number unit", where the unit is appropriately
pluralised. Optionally the parameter ``fraction`` can be inserted
between the two.
:param number: The number to return
:type number: :func:`int`
:param unit: The unit to return with the number (singular)
:type unit: :func:`unicode`
:param fraction: The fraction to insert between number and unit
:type fraction: :func:`unicode`
:return: The string "number unit" or "number fraction unit"
:rtype: :func:`unicode`
if fraction is not None:
return '%i %s %s' % (number, fraction, inflector.plural(unit, number))
return '%i %s' % (number, inflector.plural(unit, number))
if days > 60:
return 'about %s' % number_unit(math.ceil(days / 30.0), 'month')
elif days > 14:
return 'about %s' % number_unit(math.ceil(days / 7.0), 'week')
elif days > 5:
if hours > 16:
return 'a bit less than %s' % number_unit(days + 1, 'day')
elif hours > 8:
return 'about %s' % number_unit(days, 'day', fraction='and a half')
return 'about %s' % number_unit(days, 'day')
elif days > 0:
if hours > 0:
return '%s and %s' % (number_unit(days, 'day'), number_unit(hours, 'hour'))
return number_unit(days, 'day')
elif hours > 6:
if minutes > 50:
return 'a bit less than %s' % number_unit(hours + 1, 'hour')
elif minutes > 20:
return number_unit(hours, 'hour', fraction='and a half')
return number_unit(hours, 'hour')
elif hours > 0:
if minutes > 0:
if seconds > 0:
return '%s and %s' % (number_unit(hours, 'hour'), number_unit(minutes + 1, 'minute'))
return '%s and %s' % (number_unit(hours, 'hour'), number_unit(minutes, 'minute'))
return number_unit(hours, 'hour')
elif minutes > 0:
if seconds > 0:
return number_unit(minutes + 1, 'minute')
return number_unit(minutes, 'minute')
elif seconds > 30:
return 'less than a minute'
elif seconds > 15:
return 'less than 30 seconds'
return number_unit(seconds, 'second')
[docs]def readable_timedelta(delta):
"""Converts a :class:`datetime.timedelta` into a human-readable string.
:param delta: The time-delta to convert
:type delta: :class:`datetime.timedelta`
:return: The human-readable string representation of the ``delta``
:rtype: :func:`unicode`
if delta.days < 0:
delta = abs(delta)
return '%s ago' % time_string(delta.days,
int(math.floor(delta.seconds / 3600)),
int(math.floor((delta.seconds % 3600) / 60)),
int(math.floor((delta.seconds % 3600) % 60)))
return 'in %s' % time_string(delta.days,
int(math.floor(delta.seconds / 3600)),
int(math.floor((delta.seconds % 3600) / 60)),
int(math.floor((delta.seconds % 3600) % 60)))
DISPLAY_MODES = {'default': {'module': '_module.html',
'tutorial': '_tutorial.html',
'exercise': '_exercise.html'},
'three_pane_html': {'page': '_page.html',
'task': '_task.html'},
'text_only': {'page': '_page.html',
'task': '_task.html'}}
[docs]def split_seconds(seconds):
"""Converts a time in seconds into a ``(days, hours, minutes, seconds)``
tuple for use in :func:`~wte.helpers.frontend.time_string`.
:param seconds: The time in seconds to split
:type seconds: ``int``
:return: A tuple ``(days, hours, minutes, seconds)``
:rtype: ``tuple``
days = math.floor(seconds / (3600 * 24))
seconds = seconds % (3600 * 24)
hours = math.floor(seconds / 3600)
seconds = seconds % 3600
minutes = math.floor(seconds / 60)
seconds = seconds % 60
return (days, hours, minutes, seconds)
[docs]def template_for_part(part):
"""Returns the correct partial template path for a given
:class:`~wte.models.Part`. If there is no partial template for the given
:class:`~wte.models.Part`, then ``None`` is returned.
:param part: The :class:`~wte.models.Part` to generate the template path for
:type part: :class:`~wte.models.Part`
:return: The partial template path or ``None``
:return_type: ``string``
part_type = part.type
display_mode = part.display_mode
if display_mode == 'inherit':
display_mode = part.parent.display_mode
if display_mode in DISPLAY_MODES and part_type in DISPLAY_MODES[display_mode]:
return '%s/%s' % (display_mode, DISPLAY_MODES[display_mode][part_type])
elif part_type in DISPLAY_MODES['default']:
return 'default/%s' % (DISPLAY_MODES['default'][part_type])
return None
[docs]def natural_list(items, separator=', ', final_separator=' & '):
"""Returns a string representation of the ``items`` list. For an empty list
or a single item the value is returned. For a list of two items, the items
are joined together using the ``final_separator``. For a list of more than
two items, the all but the last item are joined using ``separator`` and the
last item is joined using ``final_separator``.
:param items: The list of items to join
:type items: :func:`list`
:param separator: The separator to use when more than 2 items are joined.
Defaults to ', '.
:type separator: :func:`unicode`
:param final_separator: The separator to use for the last two items in the list.
Defaults to ' & '.
:type separator: :func:`unicode`
:return: A string representation of the list
:return_type: :func:`unicode`
if len(items) == 0:
return ''
if len(items) == 1:
return items[0]
elif len(items) == 2:
return final_separator.join(items)
return '%s %s %s' % (separator.join(items[:-1]), final_separator, items[-1])
[docs]def set_list(items):
"""Returns a string representation of the unique items in the ``items``. The
``items`` must be a :func:`list` of :func:`tuple` ``(item, count)`` as returned
by :func:`~wte.util.ordered_counted_set`.
:param items: The list of items to transform into a string
:type istems: :func:`list` of :func:`tuple`
:return: A string containing all unique items
:return_type: :func:`unicode`
return natural_list([inflector.plural(category, count) for (category, count) in items])
[docs]def part_change_notification_text(request, part):
"""Generates a default notification text to be emailed when changes
are made to a part.
:param request: The current request to get the current user from
:type request: :class:`~pyramid.request.Request`
:param part: The part that is being changed
:type part: :class:`~wte.models.Part`
:return: The default notification text
:rtype: ``str``
if part.type == 'module':
return '''Hello,
This is to let you know that changes have been made to the %s module.
Please reload the module to see the changes.
%s''' % (part.title,
elif part.type == 'part':
return '''Hello,
This is to let you know that changes have been made to the %s %s of the %s module.
Please reload the %s to see the changes.
%s''' % (part.title,
part.label if part.label else 'part',
part.label if part.label else 'part',
elif part.type == 'page':
return '''Hello,
This is to let you know that changes have been made to the page "%s" in the %s %s of the %s module.
Please reload that page to see the changes.
%s''' % (part.title,
part.parent.label if part.parent.label else 'part',